Press release material
You can find a selection of recent press releases and photos here. If you have any questions or would like to arrange a face-to-face meeting or interview, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Ms Lioba Börschig is at your disposal at any time:
ed.gnitekram-gihcsreob @aboil

Piston rods in the manufacturing process
150 dpi, 13×18, can be requested with 300 dpi

Contura measuring machine with BüMi precision parts
300 dpi, 13 x 18

BüMi precision machining in Gevelsberg
showing new hall extension 300 dpi, 13 x 18

BüMi precision parts – neatly in a row
300 dpi, 13 x 18

BüMi precision parts – turned, milled, ground
300 dpi, 13 x 18

BüMi turbine shafts
250 dpi, 13 x 18 (also available as 300 dpi)

BüMi columns for die-casting machinery
250 dpi, 13 x 18 (also available as 300 dpi)